
Software Development Engineer Web Job in Gurgaon at Internshala

Experince 0
Skill PHP MySQL HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap


Job Overview

The hiring for this job will be online and the company will provide work from home/ deferred joining till current COVID-19 situation improves. About Internshala Website Internshala is a dot com business with the heart of dot org. We are a technology company on a mission to equip students with relevant skills & practical exposure through internships and online training. Imagine a world full of freedom and possibilities. A world where you can discover your passion and turn it into your career. A world where your practical skills matter more than your university degree. A world where you do not have to wait till you're 21 to taste your first work experience (and get a rude shock that it is nothing like you had imagined it to be). A world where you graduate fully assured, fully confident, and fully prepared to stake a claim on your place in the world. At Internshala, we are making this dream a reality, join us!

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