New Faces in Psu
Shri Ram Narayan Dubey Assumed Charge As Director Finance of NCL

Singrauli: Shri. Ram Narayan Dubey assumed the charge as Director (Finance) of Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) on Monday. With a rich experience of more than 32 years, Shri Dubey was working as General Manager (Finance) at the headquarters of Coal India Limited before assuming the charge.
Shri Dubey is succeeding in Shri Nag Nath Thakur who superannuated in May 2020. Shri Dubey started his career in Coal India from South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) in 1987 after that he got transferred to Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) in 1988. Shri Dubey worked in BCCL up to 2013 after which he had been posted at Coal India Headquarters, Kolkata.
During his tenure at Coal India, he was promoted to General Manager (Finance) in 2019. He is a Charted Accountant (CA) by profession and has an MBA in marketing. During his stint in different subsidiaries of Coal India Limited, he acquired vast experience of financial aspects in purchase and procurement. He has looked after import of heavy equipment and at the materials management division of CIL, he was actively involved in the finalization of global tenders of Heavy equipment. He joined the Corporate Accounts & Taxation department of CIL (HQ) in 2018 where his role included finalization of CIL Standalone and CIL Consolidated Accounts and dealing with the matters related to GST.
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