NLCIL Free Medical Camp at Kattukunankurichi, St. Theresa High School
NLC India Hospital conducts free medical camps every year in surrounding villages and areas of Neyveli as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.

New Delhi: NLC India Limited organized a Free Medical Camp at Kattukunankurichi, St. Theresa High School, Tamil Nadu on 10.09.2023 under its CSR initiative, benefitting the Kattukunankurichi & surrounding areas.
Social responsibility:
NLC India Hospital conducts free medical camps every year in surrounding villages and areas of Neyveli as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. As per the practice followed, NLC India Limited organized a Free Medical Camp at Kattukunankurichi, St. Theresa High School on 10.09.2023.
Specialist Doctors:
The camp was inaugurated by Shri. Samir Swarup, Director/Human Resources, at Kattukunankurichi, St. Theresa High School. Specialist doctors, Medical staff, Nurses and Pharmacists of NLC India Limited from various departments like General Medicine, Peadiatrics, Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Dental, ENT, Dermatology, Ortho-pediatrics, Ayurveda participated in the Medical Camp and provided treatment to the surrounding areas.
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Free treatment along with Free Medical Aids & Equipment:
Blood tests were conducted and based on the reports, treatments were given accordingly. Free Medical Aids & Equipment like 30 Nos. of Hearing Aids, 10 Nos. of Wheel Chairs, 15 Nos. of Tripods, 13 Nos. of Walker, 01 No. of blind Stick and 02 Nos. of Motorized wheel chair was presented to the needy public. Also, First Aid Kits donated to the Kattukunankurichi, St. Theresa High School by NLC India Hospital under CSR.
A total of 1069 persons, General Medicine O.P- 257, Paediatric O.P-102, Gynecology O.P-54, Ophthalmology O.P-130, Dental O.P-113, ENT O.P-67, Dermatology O.P- 51, Ortho-pediatrics O.P- 125, Ayurveda O.P- 170 were benefitted by this camp.
Shri. John Leo Kattukunankurichi President, Smt. Ruby Benezia Vice President, Shri. Christu Raj. Rev. Father of St. Theresa High School participated in the camp.
Shri. Rajasekhara Reddy Executive Director, Mines, Shri. Ramachandran Chief General Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Dr. C. Dharini Mouli, General Superintendent/Medical of NLC India Hospital, Dr. Sukumar General Superintendent/Medical, Shri. Kathirvel, Deputy General Manager, Land Department and other senior officials of NLCIL also participated in the medical camp.
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