BSNL plans to install indigenously developed one lakh 4G sites across the country

Further, the Amended Bharatnet program has been approved by the Union Cabinet on 04.08.2023 to improve the penetration of high-speed FTTH broadband in rural areas.

BSNL plans to install indigenously developed one lakh 4G sites across the country
BSNL plans to install indigenously developed one lakh 4G sites across the country

State-run Telecom major, BSNL is installing indigenously developed one lakh 4G sites across the countryThe equipment is 5G upgradable. BSNL is entrusted with ambitious projects of the Government to provide coverage to uncovered villages in the country including rural and underserved areas, such as the 4G Saturation Scheme, Border Out Post (BOP)/Boarder Intelligence Post (BIP), Left Wing Extremism (LWE) and augmentation of telecom infrastructure in Lakshadweep Islands, etc.

Further, the Amended Bharatnet program has been approved by the Union Cabinet on 04.08.2023 to improve penetration of high-speed FTTH broadband in rural areas, wherein there is a provision to provide 1.5Cr FTTH connections distributed across all States/UTs. BSNL is the Project Management Agency for this scheme.

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Additionally, to improve telecom infrastructure in the North East Region (NERof the country, the Government is implementing various projects under Digital Bharat Nidhi (erstwhile USOF) such as-

 (i4G Saturation project to provide 4G mobile services in uncovered villages across the country,

 (iiBorder Out Posts (BoP)/Border Intelligence Posts (BIPproject for the provision of 4G based mobile services at BoP/BIPs, 

(iiiComprehensive Telecom Development Plan (CTDP) for mobile connectivity in the NER to provide mobile coverage in uncovered villages and along the National Highways, and

(iv) BharatNet project which is being implemented in a phased manner to provide broadband connectivity to all the Gram Panchayats (GPsand villages on demand in the country.

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