PM Shri Narendra Modi inaugurates AI Summit RAISE 2020

New Delhi: Prime Minister of India on Monday evening addresses RAISE 2020 Virtual summit. Through which he mentions the importance of Artificial intelligence and also encourages the aim towards the transformation of health, education and agricultural areas. He Twitted; it is a great effort to encourage discussion on Artificial intelligence. You all have rightly highlighted aspects relating to technology and human empowerment.  
He also mentions that, the team work of AI with humans can do wonders for our planet. We want India to become a global hub for AI. Many Indians are already working on this. I hope many more do so in the times to come.
In June, India along with Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand and others joined together to create the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) for the responsible development and use of AI.
Prime Minister also mentions the National Educational Technology Forum is being formed. Which will create an e-Education unit to boost the digital infrastructure, digital content and capacity.
I see a big role for AI in sectors like: Agriculture. Creating next generation urban infrastructure. It can be used for making our disaster management systems stronger. It remains our collective responsibility to ensure trust in how AI is used. Algorithm Transparency is key to establishing this Trust. Equally important is accountability. We must protect the world against weaponisation of AI by Non-State Actors, he added. 

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