NRL Chairman shares company's future roadmap

Chairman of NRL, and MD Bhaskar Jyoti Phukan addressed the media after the 31st AGM in Guwahati on August

NRL Chairman shares company's future roadmap

Chairman of Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Dr. Ranjit Rath addressed the Media after the 31st Annual General Meeting of the Company held at NRL Registered Office in Guwahati on 30th August 2024. He was joined by MD NRL Mr. Bhaskar Jyoti Phukan. 

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In his opening remarks, Chairman shared results and highlights of NRL's performance for the year 2023-24 and the future roadmap of the Company which is presently on a high growth trajectory with projects worth more than Rs. 45,000 Crore on the anvil. Later Chairman and MD took questions from the media on various aspects of the company and its operations and its transition to green energy. 

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The transparent and open interaction with the media is yet another manifestation of the Company's approach towards engaging affirmatively with the media so that the developments in the Company are properly interpreted and disseminated to all stakeholders and the general public through objective and informed reporting.

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