Intensive Sanitisation by SAIL-RSP continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Disinfection drive by SAIL-Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has intensified for preventing the spread of the COVID -19 pandemic.

Intensive Sanitisation by SAIL-RSP continues to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

New Delhi: On 20th April, the Public Health Unit of Town Engineering Department of RSP carried out the disinfectant drive at CISF Barrack near Bisra Chowk.  The workers wearing protective gears such as rubber boots, heavy-duty gloves, and triple-layered masks disinfected the entire CISF barrack area. Care was taken to sanitise the entrance lobbies, corridors, security guard booths, rooms, washrooms cafeteria, switchboards, handrails, doorposts, and frequently touched/contaminated areas.


The Civil Engineering Department on its parts disinfected the gates across the plant ensuring the safety of the employees and all who enter the premises, including the CISF personnel who are posted at the gates round the clock. Provision of hand sanitisation at all entry points and office entrances continues as a safety precaution.


In addition to this daily mopping with disinfectants is being organised in the offices. Frequently touched areas and articles like tabletops, chairs, chair handles, pen stands, computers, keyboards, mouse, mousepads, printers, sanitiser dispensers, intercom equipment etc. are also being cleaned with disinfectants on a daily basis. 


In addition to this, individual departments and employees are also taking every possible precaution like regular hand washing, social distancing, and use of masks in accordance with the workplace advisory.  

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