Prime Minister delivers inaugural address at VAIBHAV 2020 Summit

New Delhi: “The need of the hour is to ensure more youngsters develop interest in Science. For that we must get well-versed with science of history and history of science”, said Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi today while inaugurating the Vaishvik Bhartiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit, a global virtual summit of overseas and resident Indian Researchers and Academicians.

“VAIBHAV Summit 2020 celebrates Science and Innovation from India and World. I would call it a true sangam or confluence of great minds, through this gathering we sit to form our long lasting association for empowering India and our planet”, he said.
Shri Narendra Modi said, Government of India has taken numerous measures to boost scientific research and innovation as science is at the core of its efforts towards socio-economic change. Prime Minister referred to India’s immense efforts towards development of vaccines and executing the vaccination programme.

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