GAIL launches India’s biggest athletics talent hunt GAIL: The Fastest Indian

NEW DELHI .   Aiming to identify Olympics medal winners in Athletics, GAIL (India) Limited today launched the first edition of India’s most ambitious sports talent hunt, “GAIL:The Fastest Indian”, in association with Spoment.
Legendary athlete ‘Padmashree’ Milkha Singh, himself, is the mentor of the talent hunt, which will identify, groom and develop champions keeping in mind 2020 Tokyo Olympics and herald a new era in the Indian Athletics.
The talent hunt is aimed at finding next Milkha of India and will be conducted across 19 cities it will be expanded over time to reach all 800 districts of the country,reaching over 3,000 schools in the age group of 12 to 14 years. The event is spread into finding best talents in 100 metre, 200 metre and 400 metre race for both, boys and girls.
Winners from their respective cities would be competing to become “GAIL:The Fastest Indian” on December 14, 2014 at Bengaluru in the finals, where one boy and one girl from each category will be selected.
Winners of the finals of “GAIL:The Fastest Indian” would be trained by renowned national and international sports trainers, where they would get specialized training needed to compete at the international events. The winners will also be given complete scholarship up till their post-graduation so that their focus would continue to remain on medal winning and not have to ne worry about the future.

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