BCCL under CSR initiates to help needy, weaker section of society living in Dhanbad

Dhanbad: Coal India subsidiary, BCCL under the visionary initiative of Mr. Samiran Dutta, CMD, BCCL, to save the helpless and deprived people of the society from cold, has taken up the initiative of Dalit, needy and weaker section of the society living in Dhanbad and its surrounding areas.
The campaign to distribute blankets to the people has been started. As part of this initiative, 750 blankets were distributed at Chetna Mahavidyalaya (a residential school for the weak and underprivileged) Sehraj Govindpur, Dhanbad on the second day today.
The school is located in a far flung area of Dhanbad and is providing quality education to the tribal children of the surrounding. This special campaign of blanket distribution is being run by the CSR Department under the direction of Mrs. Shashi Singh, Independent Director and Chairperson of the CSR Committee of the Company and under the guidance of Senior Advisor (Personnel).
This campaign is an effort of the company to reach out to the needy. The program of distribution of blankets will continue for many days in future also. Today, on the occasion of blanket distribution, Mr. S.P. Roy, Chief Manager (Personnel), Ms. Neelanjana Chakraborty, Manager (Personnel/CSR) and Shri Abhijit Mitra were present.
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