Manoj Sharma set to be the next Director (Commercial) of PFC

PESB interviewed seven other applicants apart from him in the selection meeting

Manoj Sharma set to be the next Director (Commercial) of PFC

New Delhi: Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) on Tuesday 22 March 2022, recommended the name of Mr. Manoj Sharma for the post of Director (Commercial), Power Finance Corporation (PFC). Currently, he is serving as Executive Director in PFC.

PESB interviewed seven other applicants apart from him in the selection meeting including Mr. Pranab Kumar Sinha, Executive Director, Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Executive Director from Power Finance Corporation (PFC).

Mr. T S C Bosh, Executive Director, Rural Electrification Corporation Mr. Fuzail Ahmad, Executive Director, Rural Electrification Corporation, Mr. Sanjay Kulshrestha, Executive Director, Rural Electrification Corporation, Mr. Arindam Chakraborty, Senior General Manager, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., Mr. Sudip Nag, Chief General Manager, NTPC Limited were also interviewed in the meeting. 

Moreover, Sharma can assume the charge of the post, after the Appointments Committee of Cabinet (ACC) nod.

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