Mrs Pomila Jaspal will be first women Director (Finance) of ONGC; know all about her
Mrs Pomila Jaspal was recommended by the PESB panel on December 21, 2021. She is currently working as Director (Finance) in MRPL

New Delhi: Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) recommended the name of Mrs Pomila Jaspal for the post of Director (Finance) of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC). She was among 6 candidates, who were interviewed in the PESB selection meeting, that was held on December 21, 2021. She will be first women Director (Finance) in ONGC. However, she is currently working in MRPL as Director (Finance).
Mrs. Pomila Jaspal is a Cost Accountant working as Director (Finance) in MRPL, a Schedule ‘A’ Navratna under the ONGC group, with 35 years of experience in oil and gas sector, both in operating and regulatory framework of upstream and downstream operations. Nominated as Director in the Board of OPAL & OMPL.
After joining MRPL, she steered MRPL’s maiden NCD issue of Rs. 3,000 Cr from market as well as through Bharat Bond ETF and was able to generate fund at very competitive rates. Also monitored OMPL’s maiden CCD issuance of Rs. 1,200 Cr.
Her educational background is highly accredited and directly contributes to her field of operations. A Fellow Member of ICMAI and Gold medallist and recipient of Late Mrs Dhanpati Goel Gold Medal from ICMAI. She has obtained B. Com. (Hons) degree from MCM DAV College, Chandigarh and M. Com. from Punjab University. She had a short stint as Lecturer in Degree College.
She joined ONGC in 1985 as Finance & Accounts Officer and has risen to the coveted position of Executive Director – Chief Corporate Finance. She earns the distinction of being the first lady officer in ONGC to occupy this top post.
During her initial period, after completing 3 months Induction training at ONGC Academy, she was posted at Head Office, Dehradun and handled key assignments and later with Joint Venture group at JVOG, Mumbai. She further had the opportunity to hone her skills with deputation at Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) in its formative years and was instrumental in developing the model Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) which was adopted as base document in many pre-NELP & NELP blocks. Subsequently, she was deputed to Contract Cell of MoP&NG where she worked in different areas of gas pricing, Rangarajan Committee, Gas utilization policy, royalty committee, formulation of policies for smooth implementation of PSCs and monitoring the royalty and profit petroleum to GoI.
She has rich exposure of ONGC Videsh, international arm of ONGC, handling the assignment of In-charge, Project Finance, for execution of almost all overseas projects (Exploration and Development) and was actively involved in smooth takeover and execution of new acquisitions of OVL. Subsequently, she became Head – Finance of Assam Asset, ONGC, and handled this challenging assignment for 4 years.
Given her multi-faceted personality, she is a beacon of light for all lady officers to follow their dreams and achieve them through sheer hard work and focused approach.
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