Shri A S Kesavan Nampoori took charge as Director-Technical, FACT

New Delhi: Shri A S Kesavan Nampoori has taken over as Director (Technical) FACT with effect from 22.3.2021. He was previously working as Executive Director, FACT. Shri Kesavan, as Director Technical will act as head of the Technical & Operations division of the company.
Further, he will be equally responsible to ensure the efficient operation of the plants of the company in a manner that would also ensure optimum utilization of resources. He will also act as Principal Adviser of the company in all technical and operations matters.
About FACT
FACT, The Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Limited is a Public Sector company and the Government of India, under the administrative control of the Department of Fertilizers, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India has expanded and diversified into a multi-divisional organisation with varied activities. The parent division at Udyogamandal underwent four stages of expansion until the year 1972, upgrading technology and increasing capacity.
In the 1960s, recognising the need for developing indigenous capabilities for design and construction of Chemical and Fertiliser Plants, FACT established an Engineering & Consultancy wing FEDO (FACT Engineering & Design Organisation). A Fabrication Division FEW (FACT Engineering Works) was also established in 1966.
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