Vivek Kumar Bajpai joins as Government Nominee Director of Hindustan Zinc

Ministry of Mines, Government of India has approved the appointment of Mr. Vivek Kumar Bajpai, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines as Government Nominee Director on the Board of Directors of Hindustan Zinc Limited in place of Ms. Farida M. Naik, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines.
Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company through resolution passed by circulation on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, consented by majority of directors have approved the appointment of Mr. Vivek Kumar Bajpai as Government Nominee Director (Non-Executive) with effect from July 24, 2024 and also noted the cessation of Ms. Farida M. Naik from the Board of the Company with effect from July 24, 2024.
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Mr. Bajpai is also inducted as a member of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee w.e.f. July 24, 2024.
Mr. Vivek Kumar Bajpai, aged 48 years, is an Indian Railway Service Mechanical Engineers Cadre Officer (IRSME) of the 1999 Batch. He did B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Gorakhpur University and had worked in the Railways in various capacities, especially in the fields of water conservation, reliability, and performance improvement, design and development work for improving Rolling stock, production requirements of high-speed coaches, and implementation of Quality Standards in Railway Unites, etc.
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Presently, in the Ministry of Mines, Government of India, Mr. Bajpai is a Joint Secretary (Metals) which involves the administration of PSUs under the Ministry, International Cooperation in the fields of minerals and metals, and supporting exploration activities under National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET), and Media engagements of the Ministry etc.
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