CMD NBCC inaugurates program on application of AI and GEN AI in HR functions in PSU’s

It saw enthusiastic participation from PSUs such as Indian Oil Corpn, Powergrid, PFC, REC, NTPC, SJVNL, HUDCO, NBCC, MOIL etc.

CMD NBCC inaugurates program on application of AI and GEN AI in HR functions in PSU’s
CMD NBCC inaugurates program on application of AI and GEN AI in HR functions in PSU’s

A one-day program on TRANSFORMING HR FUNCTION WITH APPLICATION OF ANALYTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (GEN AI & AI): A CASE OF PSUS that dwelt elaborately upon the opportunities and challenges lying ahead for PSUs in this regard and held at SCOPE Convention center, Scope Complex, New Delhi was inaugurated by Sri KP Mahadevaswamy CMD NBCC, Organized by Rightmen Services an HR Consulting Company with THS The Law Firm as theme collaborators and Microsoft as a key knowledge partner, it was designed to help PSUs chart a roadmap in the matter of adoption of new age technology related to Gen AI and AI to support and transform HR function.

In his address, Sri Mahadeva Swamy underscored the critical role played by PSUs in the nation's economy and advised them to embrace technology that supports faster delivery of business and augments productivity as a means to deal with the growing challenges. Sri Alok Kumar Managing Partner THS The Law Firm, in his welcome address, highlighted the significant role of NBCC in the growth of infrastructure and economy under the leadership of CMD, Shri  Mahadevaswamy and expressed hope that the program would help PSUs take their HR function to the next level. 

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Anchored and designed by Sri Vinod Behari, CEO, of ightment Services and former Executive Director HR REC Ltd, the program featured eminent speakers from industry, academia & researchers and consulting firms besides Microsoft the key knowledge partner and their associates.

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It saw enthusiastic participation from PSUs such as Indian Oil Corpn, Powergrid, PFC, REC, NTPC, SJVNL, HUDCO, NBCC, MOIL etc. who shared their insights and experiences in the matter and updated their skills and knowledge as key learning takeaways.

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