Ujjivan small finance bank Q4 results, highest ever PAT at Rs 1,281 crore recorded

The Board has recommended a Final Equity Dividend of 15%.

Ujjivan small finance bank Q4 results, highest ever PAT at Rs 1,281 crore recorded

New Delhi: Ujjivan small finance bank has recorded the highest ever PAT at Rs 1,281 crore for FY24 where RoA and RoE is at 3.5% and 26.1%. Strong Profitability with improving margins aided by lower CoF and healthy CASA has been witnessed by SFB for FY24, respectively.

Disbursements were at Rs 6,681 crore and Rs 23,389 crore in Q4FY24 and FY24 up by  11% and 17% YoY.

In terms of asset ratio, GNPA is stable to 2.1% as of Mar '24 as of 2.1% as of Dec’23.NNPA continues to be negligible at 0.3% as on Mar’24.

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Deposits of the Bank are at Rs 31,462 crore as of Mar '24 up by 23% and 6% YoY and QoQ, respectively.

CASA is at Rs 8,335 crore, up 24% and 10% , YoY and QoQ. CASA  ratio is at 26.5% as of Mar' 24 vs 25.5% as of Dec’23.

Net interest income or NII is Rs 934 in Q4 FY 24 and Rs 3,409 crore in FY 24 up  by 27% QoQ and 26% YoY.

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Cost to Income ratio is at 55.7% in Q4 FY 24 and 54.3% in FY24.

Capital adequacy ratio at 24.7% with Tier-1 capital at 22.6%.

Excess system liquidity further moderated during the quarter. Provisional Daily Average LCR for Mar’24 was 134%.

The board has recommended a final dividend of Rs 1.5 per share, subject to shareholders approval.

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