BPCL plans to cut carbon footprints by abolishing more than 11,000 trees

As per the Bombay High Court approval, for the laying of 43km long pipeline infrastructure project, around 11,000 trees will be facing the axe between Chembur and Raigad districts of Maharashtra.

BPCL plans to cut carbon footprints by abolishing more than 11,000 trees

New Delhi: The Bombay High Court has passed an approving order to the state-owned oil company to cut 11,677 trees, including 10,582 mangroves, for laying four pipelines from its refinery in Mhul in Chembur to Rasayani in Raigad district. The court has estimated that the project was in the larger public interest. Meanwhile, the cutting of more than 11,000 trees has been permitted so that BPCL could achieve its target of reducing carbon footprints.

The oil refining PSU has filed a petition in which it argued that four pipelines passing from Mahul in Chembur to Rasayani in the neighbouring Raigad district will reduce the requirement of transporting petroleum products. Additionally, it stated that there is no railway line for the transportation of bulk quantities of petroleum products between Mahul and Rasayani.

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Therefore, the pipeline is followed to be required for road transportation and simultaneously it would also result in a reduction of losses on account of loading and unloading operations. Also, the pipeline will not be affected by natural disasters such as cyclonic storms and floods etc. Moreover, this pipeline is supposed to pass through lands belonging to the Mumbai Port Authority and CIDCO.

The oil firm has sought to obtain the relevant permissions from MOEF&CC and Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority [MCZMA] and purportedly, deposited the fixed amount compensation of Rs 3.70 crore to the forest conservation department.

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