Oriental Rail Infra bags contract from Integral Coach Factory worth Rs 5 crore

The nature of the order includes the Supply and Installation of 44 sets of Seats and Berths with hardware for the LWS PP Coach.

Oriental Rail Infra bags contract from Integral Coach Factory worth Rs 5 crore
Oriental Rail Infra bags contract from Integral Coach Factory worth Rs 5 crore

Oriental Rail Infrastructure Limited has secured an order worth Rs. 5,87,21,520.00/- (Rupees Five Crore Eighty-Seven Lakh Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty only) from Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai, Indian Railways.

According to the significant terms and conditions of the contract, delivery is to be made to Furnishing Depot/ICF, Chennai. Further, 90 % of the payment is to be received against the Inspection Certificate issued by the nominated inspection agency as specified in the contract and proof of dispatch/delivery of the material and a Balance of 10 % after receipt, inspection and acceptance of the goods.

The nature of the order includes the Supply and Installation of 44 sets of Seats and Berths with hardware for the LWS PP Coach.

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